Joris Bax
Joris Bax is a specialist in procurement law and civil construction law. He has a broad perspective and a great problem-solving ability for complex cases. Joris has extensive experience with procurement, including construction contracts, and has provided advice on projects in the civil engineering sector, school construction, and wastewater treatment plants. The diversity of legal areas, clients, and cases allows him to find solutions that others may overlook.
Joris has been a lawyer since 2010. He has been working at Brackmann since 2019.
Lecturer & Guest Lecturer
- Instructor Post-HBO Procurement & Tendering at Hogeschool Utrecht (Conducto)
- Instructor Avans+ Contract Management
- Instructor of various in-company courses and custom training programs
- Annotations in the Journal of Construction Law (Tijdschrift voor Bouwrecht), Jurisprudence of Procurement Law (Jurisprudentie Aanbestedingsrecht), Tender Newsletter, JAAN, and TBR.
- Weekly blog on LinkedIn
- Dutch Association for Procurement Law
- Association for Construction Law Attorneys
- International Business Law, Tilburg University (2009)
- Specialization in European & Dutch Procurement Law, Grotius Academy – Cum Laude (2016)
Bar Association Register of Legal Areas (NOvA)
- Procurement Law (main area of law) – Minimum 10 continuing education points per year