Alexander Klein Hofmeijer
Lawyer - Partner
Alexander Klein Hofmeijer is an expert in procurement law and understands the challenges faced by entrepreneurs. His approach is characterized by pragmatism and a focus on sustainable collaborations, with careful attention to political and administrative sensitivities. This involvement positions him not only as a lawyer but also as a strategic advisor, offering support whenever he identifies opportunities, both legally and commercially.
Alexander is advocaat sinds 2012. Hij is sinds 2017 verbonden aan Brackmann, sinds 2022 als partner.
Lecturer & Guest Lecturer
- Lecturer in Post-HBO Procurement & Tendering at Hogeschool Utrecht (Conducto)
- Instructor for various in-company courses and customized training programs
- Annotations in JAAN, TBR
- Articles in the Tender Newsletter
- Articles in industry magazines for clients
Dutch Association for Procurement Law
- Dutch Law, Leiden University – Cum Laude
- Specialization in European & Dutch Procurement Law, Grotius Academy
Bar Association Register of Legal Areas (NOvA)
- Procurement Law (main area of law) – Minimum of 10 continuing legal education points per year
"The content is the foundation, the connection is what sets us apart" – Interview with Alexander Klein Hofmeijer.
In celebration of Brackmann's 20th anniversary, we are sharing the stories of our people. Meet Alexander Klein Hofmeijer, lawyer and partner at Brackmann.